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Writer's pictureBryan Downing

LIVE Forex with Oanda API Python Q&A webinar

We are go for the Forex Oanda API workshop on Tues Jul 23 at 12 noon Eastern Daylight time. See the login details below.

The topics covered will be:

LIVE Forex with Oanda API Python workshop considerations

New topics for this custom forex workshop course with Oanda API:

1. Data Wrangle from Oanda API REST to easy Dataframe data structure in Python

2. Interface with technical analysis routines with TA-Lib

3. Manipulate critical long/short position forex outlook (in real time) for market trend direction

4. Demonstrate order execution capabilities

Strongly Recommended resources needed for this live workshop:

1. You would need to take this Python Algo Trading Infrasutructure course

2. General Python understand of simpler programming.

I will anticipate this workshop will be 3-5 hours depending on the question&answers, and engagement.

I am planning to hold this during the day or night depending on the convenience of confirmed attendees.

I am also planning to limit the live number of attendees to this workshop. As a result, I am giving priority to those who are currently in my Python course mentioned and ELITE members who.

This course will become a new workshop added to be repertoire of ELITE courses already included.

This was posted Jul 16/2019

If you are interested in the highly limited ELITE 3 year subscription, sign up here but note there is less than 5 slots left! Info is here

I would recommend you should learn the applicable topics from:

Python Algo Trading Infrastructure with Crypto Currency

If you would like a multi 3 year subscription to everything I do, get this

Bryan Downing is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: LIVE Forex with Oanda API Python Q&A

Time: Jul 15, 2019 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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