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How to install Qt Designer onto Ubuntu Linux for Python

How to install Qt Designer onto Ubuntu Linux for Python

Note important update about QT Designer below!! This is the easiest way using an Ubuntu Linux Virtual Machine with Virtual Box

Qt Creator has had support for python since version 2.8. The latest version is 3.3.

As you mention, with PyQt, licensing for commercial development ins’t free.

One alternative you don’t metnion is PyOtherside which is a Qt 5/QML plugin that allows you to (mostly) use Python for your backend code instead of Javascript. While Qt Creator does havea QML designer, you may find that the language is declarative enough that you prefer writing it by hand. I, for instance, use my qmlive tool when creating QML apps*, which allows me to do live coding. If you need something more native looking, QML does have Qt Quick Controls which provides native widgets for Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, and (I think) iOS). One final benefit of going the QML route is that in practice, it’s language independent. For instance, the little demo in the video started out with a javascript backend, then I ported it to Haskell, though I could have easily done the same with Python.

  1. The tool currently doesn’t work with using QML Controls and I haven’t updated it since creating it since I primarily do web development at the moment.

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All the tools you need are included in Ubuntu repositories. You must install the package qtcreator, which has an integrated QtDesigner, and the package pyqt5-dev-tools, which provides pyuic5, a utility that generates Python code from .ui files.

sudo apt-get install qtcreator pyqt5-dev-tools

To convert to Python use:

pyuic4 editorFrame.ui -o

You may need to install utility so use:

apt-get install pyqt4-dev-tools

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