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C++ Building Blocks of High-Frequency Trading HFT: Redis and OpenBSD

High-frequency trading (HFT) demands a robust, efficient, and secure technological infrastructure. C++, with its performance and flexibility, has become the language of choice for many HFT firms. To complement C++, tools like Redis and OpenBSD offer essential components for building a reliable HFT platform.

hft c++ power tools redis openbsd


C++: The Foundation of HFT


C++'s ability to provide low-level control and high performance makes it ideally suited for the demanding requirements of HFT. Its ability to handle concurrency, memory management, and real-time operations is crucial for executing trades at lightning speed. HFT algorithms often rely on C++ to optimize execution times, reduce latency, and minimize the impact of market microstructure.


Redis: A Versatile In-Memory Data Store


Redis, an open-source, in-memory data structure store, offers a versatile solution for various HFT tasks. Its speed and efficiency make it a valuable tool for:


  • Data Caching: Redis can store frequently accessed data in memory, reducing the need for costly disk I/O operations. This can significantly improve the performance of HFT algorithms.

  • Real-Time Data Storage: Redis can be used to store market data, order book information, and other time-sensitive data. Its fast read and write operations ensure that HFT systems have access to the latest market data.

  • Message Brokering: Redis can act as a message broker, facilitating communication between different components of an HFT system. This can help to improve scalability and reliability.

  • Rate Limiting: Redis can be used to implement rate limiting mechanisms, preventing excessive traffic from overwhelming an HFT system.


OpenBSD: A Secure and Reliable Operating System


OpenBSD is a free and open-source operating system known for its security and reliability. It is a popular choice for HFT infrastructure due to the following reasons:


  • Security: OpenBSD has a strong reputation for security, with a focus on preventing vulnerabilities and attacks. This is essential for protecting sensitive financial data and ensuring the integrity of HFT systems.

  • Performance: OpenBSD is designed to be efficient and performant, making it suitable for high-performance computing tasks like HFT.

  • Reliability: OpenBSD is known for its stability and reliability, which is critical for mission-critical applications like HFT.

  • Open Source: The open-source nature of OpenBSD allows for community contributions and scrutiny, helping to improve its security and reliability over time.


Building a HFT Infrastructure with C++, Redis, and OpenBSD


Combining C++, Redis, and OpenBSD can provide a solid foundation for building a high-performance and secure HFT infrastructure. C++ can be used to develop the core trading algorithms and systems, while Redis can offer essential data storage and messaging capabilities. OpenBSD can provide a secure and reliable operating system environment.


By leveraging these technologies, HFT firms can create systems that are capable of executing trades at high speeds, handling large volumes of data, and minimizing risk.




C++, Redis, and OpenBSD are powerful tools that can be used to build robust and efficient HFT infrastructures. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each technology, HFT firms can develop systems that meet the demanding requirements of the modern trading environment.



Video Summary:


use tools like Redis and OpenBSD as the core technologies for building an HFT infrastructure. He also mentions that he will be starting a new C++ programming group in October.


Here is a summary of the key points from the video:


  • C++ is the language of choice for HFT.

  • Redis is a fast and efficient in-memory database that can be used for a variety of tasks in HFT, such as storing data, caching, and messaging.

  • OpenBSD is a secure and reliable operating system that is well-suited for HFT.

  • Brian Downing is starting a new C++ programming group in October.

  • The group will focus on C++ for HFT.

  • The group will be private and behind a paywall.


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