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Algorithmic Challenge: A Guide to High-Frequency Trading Interviews

For aspiring high-frequency trading developer (HFT) looking to land their dream job, an in-depth understanding of algorithms is no longer a nicety, it's a necessity. This video by Brian Downing dives deep into the specific algorithms and resources that can equip candidates to excel in their HFT job interviews.

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Downing, a recognized expert in the field, emphasizes the prominent role C++ plays in the HFT world. Interviews with these firms heavily rely on a candidate's ability to solve problems using C++ and implement a variety of algorithms.

The video unpacks the specific algorithmic skillset coveted by HFT firms. Mastering graph algorithms, a cornerstone of network analysis, is paramount. Binary search trees, known for their efficient search capabilities, are another crucial concept. Understanding heaps, which prioritize elements based on a certain order, and linked lists, a dynamic data structure, is also highlighted.

Intriguingly, the video goes beyond traditional algorithms and touches upon the growing influence of machine learning (ML) in HFT. While a deep understanding might not be mandatory at the interview stage, familiarity with clustering algorithms, used for grouping similar data points, and regression algorithms, which identify relationships between variables, could provide a competitive edge.

Equipping oneself with the right tools is crucial for success. Downing recommends AlgoPlus, a C++ library specifically designed for practicing these complex data structures and algorithms. The video emphasizes the benefits of using AlgoPlus within a Linux environment, a popular choice among HFT firms.

However, theoretical knowledge alone isn't enough. Downing underscores the importance of being able to recreate these algorithms from memory. This level of mastery demonstrates a deep understanding and the ability to apply these concepts under pressure, a vital skill in the fast-paced world of HFT.

The video concludes by providing valuable resources for viewers seeking to embark on their HFT interview preparation journey. Downing's website,, likely offers a treasure trove of information and practice problems. Additionally, his course on TradingView, a popular charting platform, could provide further insights into the technical aspects of HFT.

In conclusion, this video serves as a roadmap for aspiring HFT professionals. By honing their C++ skills, focusing on mastering specific algorithms like graph algorithms, binary search trees, heaps, and linked lists, and gaining some exposure to machine learning concepts, viewers can increase their chances of success in their HFT job interviews. Utilizing resources like AlgoPlus and practicing to recode algorithms from memory will further solidify their expertise. By following Downing's guidance and leveraging the resources he provides, viewers can put themselves on the path to a thriving career in the exciting world of high-frequency trading.



Video summary:

This video is about a C++ library called AlgoPlus that provides complex data structures and algorithms. The speaker, Brian Downing, recommends this library for people who are interested in career development in high frequency trading.

The video highlights the importance of understanding algorithms for interviews in high frequency trading firms. These firms typically use C++ and the interview questions often involve algorithms such as graph algorithms, binary search trees, heaps, and linked lists. The video also mentions that some basic knowledge of machine learning algorithms such as clustering algorithms and regression algorithms would be helpful.

The speaker recommends using AlgoPlus in Linux to practice these algorithms. He also mentions that it is important to be able to recode these algorithms from memory.

The video concludes by mentioning some of the speaker's other resources, including his website and his course on TradingView.


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